1991 - 1999 > Arrival at port

Arrival at port

Arrival at port

Acrylic/on board, 120x80, 1994

When I see you floating
on those restless waters
you look like a little bird that is ready to fly
as soon as you take flight
how soon, I don't see you lost in the immensity
will you come back? I think so
sure hand takes you
hand who knows how to work and is full of disappointments
hand that holds the helm
and that governs your sail
you are two companions, one without the other does not sail
and so you go deeper
into the day begins
how long the hours become, what loneliness surrounds you
the sun above you
beneath your feet the black sea
oh, how hard it is to be a sailor, from a sailboat
your thoughts fly
wherever they would like to fly
in search of a safer and more lasting life
no dream more like a sailor
the basket is not full
the afternoon is going to fall and your wife is waiting
like this, the days and the long years of waiting will pass
oh, how hard it is to be a sailor, from a sailboat
tie your sailboat to the port
like any other day
and floating in its waters
you will become a bird again
in your nest of restless water
oh, how hard it is to be a sailor, from a sailboat.


Meloxo, Agosto de 1980