1961 - 1970 > Max Estrella, Scene I

Max Estrella, Scene I

Max Estrella, Scene I

Acrylic/paper,, 65x50, 1966

Valle Inclán work, Luces de Bohemia

Instead of illustrations for the work of Valle-Inclán, they are comments which highlight, in an accurate way, the aesthetic rules of Don Ramón, “translating” or returning the verbal principles of the grotesque to its visual origin and proving that both the first early work of Valle and the fully grotesque work, follow the same intention of deep-rooted graphs. It is as if in an allusive, almost parabolic, way, Conde Corbal had seen the verbal parable left by Valle in La lámpara maravillosa, and in some of his autobiographical characteres [especially Max Estrella and Don Estrafalario].

Carol Maier

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