Murals > The Dawn of Glory by Castelao I

The Dawn of Glory by Castelao I

The Dawn of Glory by Castelao I

Acrylic/on board, 240x120, 1975

A Celtic warrior goes in front, followed by PRISCILLIAN, the decapitated heretic, leaning on a long staff, which ends with the sickle of the druids, like an episcopal staff. He is followed by THEODOSIUS, the great Emperor of Rome, SAINT DAMASUS, the supreme pontiff of Christendom. The virgin ETERIA, the pilgrim writer. The historian PAULO OROSIO, disciple of SAINT AUGUSTINE. IDACIO, chronicler of Swabian times. SAINT PEDRO DE MEZONZO. SAINT ROSENDO. The great XELMIREZ. After the prelate comes ALFONSO VII, the Emperor. He is followed by the COUNT OF TRABA, his mentor, followed by the troubadours and minstrels.