Literary work > The Story of the Woman Who Became a Wolf

The Story of the Woman Who Became a Wolf

The Story of the Woman Who Became a Wolf

Latex with acrylic on acetate, 60x40

Series: Vicente Risco in his work (V. Risco's work)

1945: The story of the woman who became a wolf.

“One nigth, in the chestnut grove, a young boy was looking after a chestnut dryer, sitting next to a large bonfire, with the door closed, when, through a crack of the door he saw a wolf paw leaning out, with a size much lager than normal. The paw was wrestling and the door tended to give away; the young man, unarmed, didn’t find other recourse but climb up to the reed bed where the chestnuts we placed to dry, above the fire, and hide there. Finally the door gave way and a huge wolf, like the boy hadn’t seen other before, entered. The wolf closed the door again, got close to the fire and shed his skin...What remanined was a beautiful girl, in a shirt, who was amazing to see.

(THE WEREWOLF, article published in Dialectology and Popular Translations Magazine. Madrid 1945)